• Illustrations of the moon from the second pirated edition of Galileo’s The Starry Messenger.
  • Frontispiece to Galileo’s Dialogue (1632)
  • Engraving of Galileo by Francesco Villamena (1564–24)
  • Portrait of Maffeo Barberini, Urban VIII
  • Titlepage of Galileo's On Sunspots (1613).
  • Illustration from Galileo’s Two New Sciences (1638).
  • Frontispiece of Niccolò Tartaglia’s New Science (1537).
  • The Ptolemaic universe from the Sphere of Sacrobosco, Mattei Mauro (1550).
  • Image from the title page of Galileo’s Assayer (1623).
  • Illustration from Galileo’s Two New Sciences (1638).
  • Title page of Melchior Inchofer’s Summary Treatise (1633).
  • Illustration from Galileo’s Two New Sciences (1638).

There are numerous excellent websites which provide information about Galileo. This is a selection of those I have consulted most frequently:

Maria Celeste

The Galileo Project at Rice University – lots of invaluable information.

What was the Institute and Museum of the History of Science in Florence and is now the Museo Galileo – by far the largest collection of resources. It used to be impossibly difficult to navigate, but is slowly becoming user friendly.

A remarkable page on Galileo's moon drawings:

Reenactments of Galileo's experiments by Paolo Palmieri and others:

Ms Gal 72 – Galileo's own record of his experiments:

A general website on the scientific revolution, by Robert A. Hatch:

A useful source of texts in Italian, although not, for the most part, the standard editions:

The first great italian dictionary, which records the language as it was written by Galileo:

Title page of Sidereus NunciusThere are quite a few copies of Galileo's original publications on the web. As a sample, here are some copies of the first edition of the Sidereus Nuncius (Venice, 1610):

The Linda Hall Library (which also has the pirated edition)

The Rare Book Room, which has a number of other works by Galileo:

Stanford Library copy:

Warnock Library copy:


ETH Zurich:

The copy at the Museo Galileo (you have to enter search terms, and what will come up will be both the first edition, and, marvel of marvels, the manuscript)

Michelagnolo Galilei by Paul Beier